2014年8月27日 星期三

喜歡與愛有什麼區別?The difference between love and like

有人問了佛 Someone asked the Buddha 
喜歡”與“愛”有什麼區別呢? How to distinguish "like" from "love"

The Buddha pointed at a child. The child was standing in front of a flower. The child was memorised by the flower and stood there for a long time, unconsciously the the child held out his hand to pick the flower. 

Buddha: This is like.

Next the child pointed at another child. This child's forehead was covered with sweat. The child was watered the flower while standing in front of the flower was blocking the strong sun from shining on the flower. 

佛說:這就是爱。 Buddha: This is love.  
喜歡是為了得到 Like is to take (receive something)

而愛却是為了付出,這就是最本質的區别。Yet love is to give. 
That is the fundamental difference. 

When the flowers bloom, the butterflies will gather. 


If you have depth, the heavens will give way.

