2015年12月22日 星期二

Solar Term: winter solstice (冬至)

Today is the winter solstice! This means the coming of winter. The Sun shines directly on the south hemsepher. It is the shortest day and longest night of the year. 
After the winter solstice, the days will become longer and the night shorter. In ancient times, the people use this day to foretell the weather for the upcoming  Chinese New Year. If the day is try it mean the weather will be good, if the day is wet, there will be a rainy Chinese New Year.   
 Historically this day has great importance. 「冬至大如年」 This people call it the winter festival. Since the time of the yellow emperor, this day has been a time to remember the heavens and our ancestors. 
In different places of China people eat different foods to celebrate the winter solstice, some eat dumplings while others eat sticky rice balls. 

Like all other solar terms, it is a good time to meditate and synchronise yourself with the universe's energies. 

2015年11月22日 星期日

Solar Terms: minor snow(小雪)

Minor snow is the second winter solar term of the year. The solar terms were defined based on the weathers around the yellow river area, this weather does not apply to Taiwan. In the yellow river area, after the minor snow, temperature gradually becomes even colder till it begins to rain. Beginning to snow, the quantity isn't much, thus it's name minor snow. 
In Taiwan the more obvious change is the winds. Winds become stronger due to the north eastern winds. There will no longer be thunder and pouring rains. If there is still thunder, this means there are abnormalities in the weather. 
「月內若陳雷,豬牛飼不肥」If the month starts and there is winter thunder, the animals will not grow well. 

The Chan Master mentioned the solar terms is a good time to meditate! Try and see for yourself if there is any difference! 

2015年11月8日 星期日

Solar term: Start of winter (立冬)

This solar term, like is wording, states the start of winter. Farmers work has come to an end, as tools are put away in preparation for the winter. The start of winter is also called 「補冬」because in ancient time, people see the cold weather as something to require extra nutrition. Thus it is popular to eat 「羊肉爐」、「薑母鴨」. Families will also cook 麻油雞、四物雞 as a reward for the hard work this year. 
The saying the October is has a small sun refers to the tenth month on the lunar calendar. 
For friends who like to admire the birds, it is a good time to prepare you binoculars, this is the season when the birds flock north for the winter. Normally the birds spends half a year in taiwan before leaving.  

Before filling your tummy, remember to fill your heart! Find a time to meditate today and feel the strong energy during the solar term. 

2015年10月24日 星期六

Solar terms: frost descent (霜降)

In the 24 solar terms, this is the last autumn term, frost descent. The name originates from summer gradually ending, the nights become longer, and vapour gathers as cold weather ascends. Although this is not as common in Taiwan plateaus, you may be able to discover it once!  
  In aerology, this is not such term as the descent of frost, yet in chinese characters there is a lot of characters with 「雨」such as 「雪」、「雹」 having the meaning of coming down from the sky「由天上降下來」的意思,Therefore people believe frost「霜」comes down from the sky. Dew and frost are both formulated based on the gathering of vapour. Although it may not be obvious in Taiwan, the leaves begin to tern red  and weld. A good time to enjoy the autumn scenery. 

Remember to seize the day for a longer meditation sit! The solar terms are a good time to practice meditation! 

2015年10月8日 星期四

Solar Terms: cold dew (寒露)

Cold dew is in the depths of autumn. During this season, the winds come from the north-east. Cool ear from the north east let us gradually leave the hot summers behind. Before entering Cold dew, weathers are very comfortable. 
Cold dew is the first of the twenty-four solar terms to have the word "cold." As the saying go 「露水先白而後寒」The dew becomes white then turns cold. It means that after the white dew, the weather gradually turns cold. Remember to prepare an extra blanket to not to get cold at night! 
In this solar term, the birds you normally see in the water are no longer there. flocks of birds can be seen in the air. North eastern winds are gaining strength, thus people being to fly kites in the parks. 

Before  you rush out, remember to practice some meditation. Solar terms are a natural change of energy between the heavens and earth. Grasp this opportunity to synchronise yourself with mother nature. 

2015年9月24日 星期四

Solar Terms: autumnal equinox (秋分)

Autumn equinox is the fourth solar term of autumn. As the saying goes 「秋分瞑日對分」meaning, the days are the same length as the nights. From this day on, the days become shorter and the nights become longer. weather also becomes cooler. 
The three main markers of the autumn equinox are 「雷聲始收、蟄蟲坯戶、水始涸」
You will no longer hear the summer thinkers, the insects from the spring will return to the soil. The weather becomes drier. 
As the ancient people say 「二八亂穿衣」"in the months of febuary and august wear whatever clothes"- people do not know what to wear, because you wear both winter and summer clothes.  Always bring an extra jacket just-in-case! 

Solar terms are a good time to practice meditation! Find a time today to give yourself some space and joy! 

2015年9月8日 星期二

Look within: a reminder for the day

how to measure wealth?

Solar Term:white dew (白露)

  In the solar term white dew, you can find dew drops on leaves in the morning. This is because the water drops gather at night to crystallise into water. In ancient time, of the five elements, autumn is considered metal, the colour is white. Thus the name white dew. 
When entering this solar term, nights become chilly, autumn is truly here. Remember to carry an extra coat around to prevent from getting the cold. 
 The aboriginal group ami have their autumn festival in this season. This is a time when they put on their traditional clothes and gather in circles to dance. A once in a year harvest festival worth watching! 

Before you search up this festival, take the time to meditate today! Solar terms are a good time to meditate, as the energies are stronger on this day. 

2015年8月23日 星期日

Solar Term: limit of heat (處暑 )

The limit of the heat is the second solar term of autumn. temperatures in Taiwan will remain hot, unlike what autumn should be like, thus people call this weather the「秋老虎」 "autumn tiger."
This is the season when typhoons are most common. 「六月颶,七月風颱母」The power of the typhoons can be very strong, therefore remember to pay attention to the weather report! 

Solar terms are a perfect time for meditation. Remember to find some time for yourself and meditate during this solar term! 

2015年8月8日 星期六

Solar Term: start of autumn(立秋)

This solar term is as it's name, implying the start of autumn and cooler weather. The worst summer is over, and the cool autumn days have arrived. Although Taiwan belongs to the sub-tropical weathers, it really the weather remains relatively hot. The weather will noticeably start to cool down in two more months.  
If you stroll into the mountain you will find Orange Daylily (Hemerocallis fulva ) with beautiful scenery to enjoy! 
Before you plan your trip, remember to grasp this opportunity for a longer meditation sit! Solar terms are when the energy is stronger, as energy between the earth and heavens are exchanges on this day. 

2015年7月23日 星期四

Solar Terms: Major Heat(大暑)

The days before and after the solar term major heat is the hottest days of the summer. As the saying goes 小暑大暑無君子」There is not gentleman during the major heat and minor heat. Temperature is so hot people longer car about manners and take off their clothes, thus losing their gentlemanly image. 
Afternoon rain is common, yet if there is not rain for multiple days, it implies a typhoon is coming. This is the season when typhoons are common. 

As the Chan Master said before, solar terms is a time when the energy of the heavens and earth exchanges. A good time to meditate and recharge yourself. Find a time to enjoy your meditation! 

Chinese Source

2015年7月7日 星期二

Solar Terms: minor heat (小暑)

Based on the name or the solar term, 「小」 means little, or minor, 「暑」means torridity. 

Although it is not the hottest weather, it is pretty humid and hot. Recent years,
temperatures can go up to 35 degrees Celsius. Afternoon thunderstorms make the 
temperature a lot more bearable. 
This is the season when people eat things such as Jelly figs ice, Xiancao ice, ice tapioca, red bean ice, ice green beans. (may be a bad translation..) 

Remember to find a quiet place to meditate during this solar term! 

2015年6月21日 星期日

Solar Term: summer solstice (夏至)

In the summer solstice the sun shines directly on the northern hemisphere. Thus it is the longest day and shortest night in the year. 「夏日炎炎,長夏漫漫」
Although it is the longest day, it does not mean it is the hottest day of the year! 
As the saying goes「夏至,愛呷不愛去」Summer solstice is a time when " even if others invite you to eat, you don't want to go.  Remember to put on some sunscreen before leaving the house. 
The summer solstice is also a time of gravitate and separation. There are often phenix trees planted int he school which blossom red during this season, the season of graduation. As students graduate from their old school it marks a begin of a new page in their lives. 

When at home, find a quiet place to meditate today. solar terms are a good time to meditate, calm the heart, and it make feel cooler as well! 

2015年6月6日 星期六

Solar Term: grain in ear (芒種)

The grain in ear is a typical summer season weather, it foretells the beginning of torridness. 「芒種」 meangs the time when grains have ripened. The grains shine golden in the light, thus the name. 
This is a important division time for the farmers. It makers the end of the raining season, weather becomes increasingly hot and dry. Many plants are unfit to plan after this date. 
The lotus flower blossoms its best in this season. 

Solar terms are a perfect time to meditate. Try to find a quiet place to meditate today! 
Translated from the Chinese Source.

2015年5月21日 星期四

Solar Term: grain full (小滿)

Grain full is the second solar term of the summer. In China, the snow around the yellow river melts, watering the grains, as the grains begin to fill out. Farmers begin to look forwards to the harvest, thus the name grain full. 
Because it has already entered summer, weather becomes increasingly hot, the days are longer, and water activity begins. 
Before you rush out with your swim suits, remember to start the day with some meditation! 
The Chan Master has said before, solar terms are a time when energy is undergoing change between the heavens and the earth, a perfect time to meditate. 

2015年5月6日 星期三

Solar term: Start of Summer (立夏)

Spring is over, summer has arrived. 「立」represents the beginning , 「夏」is summer. This is a season for plants to grow. Although it announces the beginning of summer, it is still a distance from the hot humid summers. 
Each year, cold weathers hovers high above Taiwan, making rain plentiful. This is the summer showers. remember to bring an umbrella with you in case of sudden shows. If you walk into nature, you will find the you may find willows bloom flowers, or even a lucky clover. 

Remember to meditate on this solar term! 

2015年4月21日 星期二

2015年4月20日 星期一

Solar Term: grain rain (穀雨)

The last solar term in spring is grain rain. In this solar term, all the whole area around the yellow river and in Taiwan have plentiful rain. The farmers are busy with spring crops. The rain nourishes the grain, thus the name of this solar term: grain rain.  
Due to the plentiful rain, plans grow lavishly, fish and crab become plentiful as well. This is also a busy season for the those who raise silk warms! 
With the beginning of april, tung flowers blossom. You can clim the hills and admire the white tung flowers- a wonderful season to travel into nature. 
Before you take your trip, remember to to meditate during this solar term! Solar terms are a good chance to practice meditation, as energy is strong today. 

2015年4月7日 星期二

Let the storm pass

You don't have to try meditating when your angry or upset. 
Let the storm pass, the light of your true nature will not come out to see you in the storm. 

2015年4月5日 星期日

Solar term: clear and bright (清明) aka tomb sweeping day

Fifteen days after the spring equinox is the clear and bright solar term. Weather is gradually getting warmer, flowers and plants sprout fresh buds. 
During this solar term, the wind is warm, blowing from the south east. Thus is also bring plentiful rain. Most people think about tomb sweeping day in this season. In the Chinese culture, remember the ancestors is an extremely important event. Strictly speaking, tomb sweeping day is a tradition which began in the Song dynasty, the goal was to let family descendants to remember their predecessors. As it is one of the three main ghost festivals, people may carry Switchgrass or willow branches in protection against evil. 
  Although the wind blows from the south-east, Taiwan has yet to escape from the north-east winds. Weather can chance dramatically. Often the sun is out during the day, but nights become chilly. Thus the proverb「三月初,寒死少年家」。
With all the bustle in your daily life, remember to grasp the moment and meditate today! 

2015年3月27日 星期五

“Study: Just thinking by yourself isn't much fun” by Malcolm Ritter on BloombergBusinessWeek.com

Study: Just thinking by yourself isn't much fun by Malcolm Ritter on BloombergBusinessWeek.com

Recent study says that seeking how to deal with loneliness is interesting. This article shows that in order to figure out how people would react while they are alone. The experiment was designed to let them give themselves an electronic shock. While they doing the experiment at home, most of them at first not to follow up and then while they feel about bored they tend to start the shock. Of course, all the participators would get paid within the experiment. The result gives people that people while they were alone, most of them would find out to stay just alone without cell phone, mobile devices and Internets bothering are hardly to bear.

Since many people are seeking their inner peace or their true selves from the busy business society. They might not be able to get through out of the studys result. However, Chan Meditation participants will not have the result at all. Through the practice, we would not even have the thought of bored, all the thoughts would be let go. Our goal is to seek the purification. Once we access the true purification, we can be benefited with joy from inside our heart and fulfillment.   

2015年3月24日 星期二

2015年3月21日 星期六

Solar term: vernal equinox (春分)

The vernal equinox symbolises spring is already half past.  On this day, the sun shines equally on the north and south hemispheres; the day and night is of equal length. From this day on, the day will become longer while the night becomes shorter.  
The weather is relatively unstable and can change dramatically during this season. People can easily get sick due to the change in weather. Remember to carry an extra coat with you and stay warm! 
The Chan Master mentioned Solar terms are a good time to meditate. It is when the energy between the earth and sky is exchanged. Especially for those who don't feel anything during meditation, try practicing today, when the heaven and earth is 'on your side' (figurative). 

2015年3月17日 星期二


Karma doesn't have to be a religious thing, or a life and death issue. 
Its just a circle, result of the universe because everything is interconnected. 

How many times does something have to happen to you
 till you realised it and find the courage to jump out? 

2015年3月6日 星期五

Solar Term: awakening of insects (驚蟄 )

The awakening of the insects represents spring is here. Spring thunders begin as new life sprouts. The harsh winter nourished the land the insects within the rocks and holes awaken by the spring thunder. Spring is here! 
In this solar term, the farmers are busy planting the sprouts. If there is thunder before this solar term, then it means the rain (weather) will be abnormal and may result in natural disasters. 
As the saying goes...「未到驚蟄雷先叫,四十九日暗天打」thunder calling before the awakening of insects means continue anger of the weather. (sorry may not be the best translation...) 

Try practicing meditation on this day! It is when the energy between the sky and earth is strong. It will be easier to enter meditation and receive energy of the universe. 

2015年3月3日 星期二

2015年2月3日 星期二

On pain and suffering

Instead of rejecting the quote upon reading it, think about it. What is the cause of pain and suffering? 
Search for the roots. 

2015年1月29日 星期四

4 Ways Yoga And Meditation Will Make You a Better Leader

When Steve Jobs passed away, friends and family attending his funeral received a small gift from the late tech genius: Autobiography of a Yogi, a book focused on the "ancient science of Yoga and its time-honored tradition of meditation."......
read more 

2015年1月27日 星期二

2015年1月13日 星期二

Let God talk to us.

Again found too long ago to remember where it's from.... got it from Facebook XD 

2015年1月5日 星期一

Solar Term: minor cold (小寒)

This it the first solar term of the year, yet not the first solar term for the lunar calendar. 
This solar term is still a very cold time of the year, although not the coldest. The whether should be a bit colder in comparison to the winter solstice- this is a good sign which matches the seasonal changes. If the minor cold is colder than the winter solstice, then the people and animals will have a peaceful new year without disasters.  「小寒大冷人馬安」,它的意思是:冬至過後,天氣應該要再冷一點,這樣才符合季節變化,人畜才會平安沒災害。
The solar terms are a good time to practice meditation, as the energy is strong between the heavens and the earth. 
Remember to keep warm and try finding a time to meditate today!