2015年4月5日 星期日

Solar term: clear and bright (清明) aka tomb sweeping day

Fifteen days after the spring equinox is the clear and bright solar term. Weather is gradually getting warmer, flowers and plants sprout fresh buds. 
During this solar term, the wind is warm, blowing from the south east. Thus is also bring plentiful rain. Most people think about tomb sweeping day in this season. In the Chinese culture, remember the ancestors is an extremely important event. Strictly speaking, tomb sweeping day is a tradition which began in the Song dynasty, the goal was to let family descendants to remember their predecessors. As it is one of the three main ghost festivals, people may carry Switchgrass or willow branches in protection against evil. 
  Although the wind blows from the south-east, Taiwan has yet to escape from the north-east winds. Weather can chance dramatically. Often the sun is out during the day, but nights become chilly. Thus the proverb「三月初,寒死少年家」。
With all the bustle in your daily life, remember to grasp the moment and meditate today! 

