2013年12月12日 星期四

Weekly Updates

Dear Friends,
Friday English Meditation class is again around the corner! 
Welcome to join the class! 
Friday 7:30 ~9:00  pm  
B1F., No.146, Sec. 1, Xinsheng S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 
------------------Special Events-----------------------------------------
To encourage everyone to continue practicing meditation, beginning from this December, join the meditation class 8 times and get a 20% discount!

Christmas Dinner at "Second Floor" (12/23) Dinner After Monday's class 9:15pm : Remember to bring Holiday stories to share! 

Half day trip: New Years Meditation ( 新年感恩禪定 )
Time: 8:30 ShinShun Meditation Center
Location: Hsinchu County, Guanshi Township to enjoy country side air, local Hakka quinine, Orange (fruit) picking. Register at the Service Desk at the meditation center or contact any of the volunteers! 

