2015年12月22日 星期二

Solar Term: winter solstice (冬至)

Today is the winter solstice! This means the coming of winter. The Sun shines directly on the south hemsepher. It is the shortest day and longest night of the year. 
After the winter solstice, the days will become longer and the night shorter. In ancient times, the people use this day to foretell the weather for the upcoming  Chinese New Year. If the day is try it mean the weather will be good, if the day is wet, there will be a rainy Chinese New Year.   
 Historically this day has great importance. 「冬至大如年」 This people call it the winter festival. Since the time of the yellow emperor, this day has been a time to remember the heavens and our ancestors. 
In different places of China people eat different foods to celebrate the winter solstice, some eat dumplings while others eat sticky rice balls. 

Like all other solar terms, it is a good time to meditate and synchronise yourself with the universe's energies.